Overview of Thirty-All app main features

Point entry screen

Point entry screen

Scoring and stats

Match score is shown in a separate area. All statistics are shown for both players and match/every set total numbers are visible.

  • Key match stats: Points Won, First Serve in %, First Serve won %, Second Serve won %, Aces, Double Faults, Double Faults, Unforced errors, Forced errors, Break Points won, Break Points total
  • Unforced errors, Winners, Forced errors: more than a dozen of different reports. Counters are shown by error type, shot type (forehand and backhand), spin (topspin and backspin) and intent (neutral, offensive or defensive). Volley, smash, passing shot, approach shot, drop shot are supported also.
  • Each stats report shows higher counters first (descending sort). Sorting can be set for Player one or for Player two.

Example of stats

Point entry screen

Point entry screen

Point entry screen

Point entry screen

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